Why is it that we feel SO good being near the sea? And what is it that we find most healing about the ocean?

Is it the vastness and beauty of the ocean? Or the calming meditative sound of the waves? What about the sea air and that distinctive sea salty smell? Does the ocean really hold healing powers for those that swim in its salty waters?

Surely the sea does ALL these things?

Research suggests that people who live near a ‘Blue Space’ like a lake, river or the ocean maintain lower stress levels.

It is widely believed that the ocean has a calming effect on peoples mental health and well-being, reducing levels of depression and anxiety and increasing levels of creativity.
Breathing in the sea air is also good for you as sea air holds negative ions that aid your ability to absorb oxygen as well as helping to balance seratonin levels. This may go some way to explain why a stroll by the sea helps you to feel more relaxed, alert and energised

Swimming in the ocean has a vast range of health benefits too. Seawater is rich in minerals that act as natural cosmetics for the skin helping to heal conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

It has also been proven that swimming in the sea can help to reduce symptoms of respiratory conditions and musculoskeletal conditions like fibro myalgia and arthritis.
So science really does say that the sea has healing powers!

I can’t wait to escape to the sea this summer!